Bursa Seed


Determinate tomatoes

BT Pembola F1

Determinate pink tomato. Early (70-75 days)
Fruits are round, 200-220 grams.
Very uniform fruits.
Fruits have high appealness.
Vigorous plant. Good coverage.
Thick leaves.
Very high yielder.

BT Burty F1

Determinate F1 hybrid tomato. Early (65-70 days)
Fruits are round, 200-220 grams.
Very uniform and firm fruits.
Fruits have high appealness.
Suitable for transportation. .
Vigorous plant. Leaves are many and are thick.
Very high yielder.
Resistant to Ve,Fu,Mi and TYLCV.

BT 986 F1

Determinate F1 hybrid tomato.
Mid-early variety. (75 days)
Leaves cover the fruits really well, protecting them from sunburn perfectly.
Very firm fruits. Over 250 grams. Fruits reddens really well, both inside and outside.
Suitable for long transportation. High adaptation ability.
No crackíng. High yielder.
High tolerance to Ve, Fu, and Nematodes.

BT 236 F1

Determinate F1 hybrid tomato. Mid-early variety. (80-85 days)
High appealness. Fruits are perfectly red colored.  200-250 grams.
Jointed fruits./div>
High quality fruits. Good transportation ability.
Leaves cover the fruits really well, protecting them from sunburn perfectly.
Resistant to leaf diseases such as Stemphillium. This makes it very advantegeous for autumn cultivation.
Suitable for both spring and autumn cultivation.
Cracking is not seen. High yielder.

BT 720 F1

Determinate F1 hybrid tomato. Mid-early variety.
Fruits are 200-250 grams. Jointed.
Suitable for both spring and autumn cultivations.
Leaves cover the fruits really well, protecting them from sunburn perfectly.
Firm fruits. Resistant to transporting.

BTX 053 F1

Our new processing type F1 hybrid tomato. Determinate.
Very strong plant habit.
Very homogenous fruits. Shiny red color.
High brix. (5,2)
Fruits are very large.  (120-130 grams)
Suitable for both fresh market and for industrial purposes.
Resistant to Ve,F1,F2,Mi,Pto,TSWV

BTX 052 F1

Processing type F1 hybrid tomato. Determinate.
Very strong plant habit. Very homogenous fruits. Shiny red color.
Jointless. High brix. Fruits are 100-110 grams.
Tolerant to Ve,Fu,Mí. Pto, TSWV